Do People Travel to the UAE for Addiction Treatment and Other Medical Care?

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Laws for drug abuse and treatment are often stringent in the Middle East, but the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has recently expanded its treatment options as a way of helping those who need it. But should you travel here for care or consider another opportunity instead?

Treatment Is the New UAE Drug Addiction Management Method

Over the years, the UAE has created a comprehensive and understanding system for managing addiction within its borders. For example, it recently issued a message for families of those with drug addiction, stating that they should not fear criminal prosecution as long as they were not using drugs and were willing to receive treatment in a medical facility.

The director of Hemaya International Centre, Colonel Abdulla Hassan Matar Al Khayat, said: “Don’t be afraid to come to us. And do not be in denial. If your child has a drug problem, get it treated. We are here to help you.” This protection is outlined in Article 43 of Federal Law No. 14, a ruling that states that only people selling or using drugs in criminal ways would be prosecuted.


Announcements like these belie the fact that the country’s drug abuse rate continues to rise, particularly for alcohol, among citizens and expatriates. Unfortunately, drug abuse remains taboo among many citizens of the country who travel elsewhere to get care despite easy treatment at home, which leaves large openings in the country’s care facilities. But should you go to the United Arab Emirates for treatment?

Traveling for Medical Treatment Is Possible

The high-quality nature of the UAE’s drug and medical industry makes it a promising place to visit those who want the best care. While it is true that the UAE government often sends nationals abroad if a facility or care is not available there, people in the area and around the world do come to the UAE for treatment, mainly if they are expatriates who are working in the country for a lengthy period.

But while UAE has a very understanding treatment-focused care method for those who come forth to get help, their drug laws are stringent for those coming to the area. Though they don’t punish people for addictions, they have sent people to prison for up to four years for possessing less than one percent of a gram of drugs — and can even be very strict on some types of prescription drug usage.

This factor means that it is crucial to come to the country without any illegal substances and to talk to immigration and treatment specialists about any prescription drugs you may need to bring into the country during your stay. They will let you know what is safe to bring and what is not – and don’t try to ignore these rules, or you may end up getting in serious legal trouble.

Considerations Before Making This Choice

Those interested in coming to the United Arab Emirates for drug addiction treatment need to consider several factors before they arrive. The UAE is different from many other places in the world. First of all, 92 percent of Dubai’s population consists of expatriates – meaning that there’s a good chance you could meet somebody from your country to whom you can relate.


This factor can be both a good and a bad thing. It might be good because it will ensure that you feel more comfortable and get the care that you need to beat addiction for good. However, it can be harmful if these individuals feed patterns of behavior that may worsen your addiction. Make sure you are very careful about who you interact with to ensure that you don’t end up experiencing a relapse during or after treatment.

You also need to make sure that you are comfortable with sweltering outdoor temperatures, as these are very common in the UAE and may be uncomfortable if you can’t tolerate heat. Beyond that, you also need to be prepared for the cultural differences that you can encounter when traveling abroad. Though the UAE is very open to expatriates, personal space and clothing practices can be different from other places.

Consider Finding Help Today

If you are suffering from drug addiction of any type and need help with detox from drugs and different forms of treatment, it is crucial to speak with UAE officials or those near you to get an idea of your best options. Though the UAE has high-quality care and treatment, traveling to this country may not be a good choice for everybody going through addiction recovery.

Author Bio: Patrick Bailey is a professional writer mainly in the fields of mental health, addiction, and living in recovery. He attempts to stay on top of the latest news in the addiction and the mental health world and enjoys writing about these topics to break the stigma associated with them. 


Sources – Treatment, Not Punishment, Drug Addicts Assured in UAE – 10 Things to Know Before You Arrive in Dubai

khaleejtimes – Most Addicts in UAE Travel Abroad for Treatment – 8 Things You Should Know Before Traveling to Dubai – Traveling Abroad for Medical Treatment – Drugs Laws in the UAE: What Travelers Need to Know