6 Mistakes in Content Marketing to Avoid for Your Business



Content creation is one of the best things you can do right now if you’re trying to market your brand.

For instance, blogging alone can get you 126% higher lead growth when compared to companies that don’t have blogs. Embracing the right content strategy will help you build and sustain a following that can earn big for you.


Mistakes in content marketing can set you back tremendously. Here are some of the main ones you need to avoid.

  1. Don’t Talk Down to Your Audience

One of the first rules in marketing is to become an authority on what you’re talking about. Some brands take this too far – to the point of talking down to their audience.

Consider the message you’re trying to send, and then fine-tune it to make sure that you’re hitting the correct notes with your tone with your content marketing campaign. That way, you’ll be better to hit your mark with your recipients, rather than having it fall on deaf ears.

  1. Resist Temptation to Spam and Keyword Stuff

Creating content is all about getting excellent search engine optimization (SEO) traction. However, old-school SEO tactics of spamming and keyword stuffing will ruin your efforts.

Google now rewards those that do SEO well and punishes those that deploy cheap tricks and tactics. Make the quality of your content the priority, and use keywords as appropriate.

When you’re the author of your brand’s blog, consider the types of content that you’re going to publish in this blog and that providing value is the top goal. Commit to a schedule of regular blog posts to get your content out there and find your audience.

  1. Avoid Trying to Do it All

Too many content creators wait too late to get help. Whether you’re more art or science-brained, you’ll eventually need the help of a professional that is a master of one or the other.

For instance, a skilled writer or speaker will need a professional that understands algorithms and link-building strategies. An SEO strategist will eventually need the help of an artist that captivates audiences and creates content that people are drawn to.

You can also hire marketing businesses online that can help you out remotely, which adds to the convenience. Start setting aside money in your budget for professional help so that you’re prepared.

  1. Don’t Wait Too Long to Upgrade Equipment

Always be improving your multimedia setup. A better camera means that you get sharper visuals, which can help you become a better storyteller.

If you host a podcast, you’ll want to keep upgrading the audio equipment so that your sound is rich. You’ll need better equipment for your social media marketing if you regularly go live or post photos and videos.

Scale your production values up gradually to reward your loyal followers and bring in new ones.

  1. Keep Up With Keywords and Research

Consider what keywords you want to rank for to help get your brand out there. Many content creators focus on quality alone, missing the boat on keywords that can increase their web presence.

The analytics homework that you do will help you rank for primary and secondary keywords, in addition to improving your organic traffic and Domain Authority (DA).

  1. Don’t Give Up

Above all, resist the temptation to quit. Good marketing takes time – especially when we’re talking search engines.

Be encouraged that your hard work will keep rewarding you with results that help your business.

Avoid the Cardinal Mistakes in Content Marketing

Making mistakes in content marketing can cost you dearly if you’re not careful. Getting a handle on these common mistakes will help your brand become more profitable and recognizable.

Let these tips get you started, and browse our other articles related to marketing and business.


Also published on Medium.


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