Early Morning Tremors in UAE as Minor Earthquake Rattles Khor Fakkan

NCM earthquake notification 1704e2ee691 original ratio

Residents in the United Arab Emirates awoke to a slight tremor in the early hours of Saturday morning, as the National Centre of Meteorology (NCM) recorded a 2.8 magnitude earthquake. The quake struck at 3:03 am local time, centered off the coast of Khor Fakkan, a city on the UAE’s eastern shore bordering the Musandam Peninsula.

According to the NCM, the temblor originated at a depth of approximately five kilometers. While some residents reported feeling the shaking, authorities assured the public that the earthquake caused no significant damage or disruptions within the country.

Earthquakes are a relatively uncommon occurrence in the UAE, situated on the Arabian Plate, a large tectonic plate considered to be relatively stable. However, the country does experience occasional tremors, most often originating in the neighboring region of Iran, which sits along the more seismically active Eurasian Plate.


The NCM maintains a network of seismic monitoring stations throughout the country, allowing for the real-time detection and measurement of earthquakes. Following the early morning quake, the NCM promptly issued a statement on their official website and social media channels, detailing the event’s specifications and reassuring the public of its minor nature.

Social media users in the UAE reacted to the news with a mix of surprise and amusement. Some residents shared their experiences of feeling the tremors, while others expressed gratitude for the mild nature of the event. The incident served as a reminder of the UAE’s preparedness for natural disasters, with its robust emergency response infrastructure and well-informed citizenry.

Read the full story on 1arabia.com