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Normie Team Reaches Accord with Exploiter, Offers Compensation Plan

The Normie project team, reeling from a recent exploit, has come to a surprising agreement with the responsible party. In a move that prioritizes user compensation, the team has accepted the exploiter’s offer to return 90% of the stolen Ethereum (ETH).

This decision comes after a critical vulnerability in the Normie token protocol allowed unauthorized access to a significant amount of ETH. The exploit sent shockwaves through the project, causing the value of the Normie token to plummet.

Facing a potential collapse and a disillusioned user base, the Normie team opted for a pragmatic approach. They agreed to the exploiter’s proposition, which surprisingly included them keeping 10% of the stolen ETH, seemingly as a reward for identifying the vulnerability.


However, the agreement goes beyond simply recouping stolen funds. The Normie team has also pledged to utilize 600 ETH from their development wallet to launch a new token specifically designed to compensate Normie holders affected by the exploit. This new token, details of which are still forthcoming, will be distributed fairly among those who suffered losses.

The decision to allow the exploiter to retain a portion of the stolen funds has generated mixed reactions within the cryptocurrency community. Some see it as a pragmatic concession, necessary to secure the return of the majority of the ETH and facilitate user compensation. Others express concerns about rewarding malicious activity, fearing it sets a dangerous precedent.

The Normie team, in a statement released shortly after the agreement, emphasized their commitment to user welfare. They acknowledged the severity of the exploit and expressed sincere apologies to affected holders. The statement went on to outline the upcoming launch of the new compensation token, providing a tentative timeline and promising further details in the coming days.

The success of this agreement hinges on the smooth execution of the compensation plan. The design and distribution of the new token will be crucial in regaining user trust and reviving the Normie project. The coming days will be a critical test for the Normie team, as they navigate the treacherous path towards post-exploit recovery.