IOC Refugee Olympic Team Set for Paris 2024

The spirit of resilience will take center stage at the Olympic Games Paris 2024 with the announcement of the IOC Refugee Olympic Team. Comprised of 36 athletes, this remarkable group will compete under the Olympic flag, representing the more than 100 million forcibly displaced people worldwide.

Hailing from 11 different countries of origin, these athletes have overcome extraordinary challenges to pursue their Olympic dreams. Now, hosted by 15 National Olympic Committees (NOCs), they stand ready to showcase their talent and determination on the world’s biggest sporting stage.

The team boasts a diverse range of sporting disciplines, with athletes competing in 12 different sports. From the grace of aquatics (swimming) to the power of weightlifting, these individuals will inspire with their athletic prowess.


This year marks the third time the IOC Refugee Olympic Team will grace the Olympic Games. The initiative, launched in 2016, serves as a powerful symbol of hope and inclusion. It demonstrates the unifying power of sport, a force that transcends borders and backgrounds.

Masomah Ali Zada, a former member of the Refugee Olympic Team at Tokyo 2020, will lead the delegation as chef-de-mission. Zada’s own story exemplifies the spirit of the team. Having fled Afghanistan as a child, she went on to compete in taekwondo at the Olympic Games, a testament to the human capacity to overcome adversity.

The IOC President, Thomas Bach, emphasized the significance of the team: “With your participation in the Olympic Games, you will demonstrate the human potential of resilience and excellence. This will send a message of hope to the more than 100 million displaced people around the world.”

The journey of these athletes is far from ordinary. Many have faced unimaginable hardship, leaving behind their homes, families, and training facilities. Yet, their unwavering dedication to their sport has propelled them forward.

The IOC Refugee Olympic Team is not just about athletic competition; it’s about human potential. It’s a story of courage, perseverance, and the unwavering pursuit of dreams. As the world watches the Olympic Games unfold in Paris, these 36 athletes will carry the hopes and aspirations of millions on their shoulders, a testament to the unifying power of sport in a world yearning for inspiration.

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