Jordanian Airspace Clears After Brief Closure


Amman, Jordan – Flights resumed in Jordan on Sunday, April 14th, 2024, following a temporary closure of the country’s airspace. The closure, which lasted for several hours, disrupted air travel causing delays and cancellations for a number of flights.

Jordan’s Civil Aviation Regulatory Commission (CARC) announced the reopening in an official statement. The statement assured the public that any technical issues that necessitated the closure had been addressed. The CARC also apologized for any inconvenience caused by the disruption.

The closure did not originate from adverse weather conditions, a common reason for air traffic stoppages. While the exact cause for the closure remains undisclosed, it coincided with heightened regional tensions following recent military activity between Iran and Israel.


Although commercial air traffic has resumed, some delays are still expected. Airlines are working diligently to reschedule flights impacted by the closure. Passengers are advised to contact their respective airlines for the most up-to-date information on their flights.

The brief closure highlights the complex interplay between regional security and air travel. While the full details surrounding the Jordanian airspace closure remain unclear, the incident serves as a reminder of the potential impact of geopolitical events on global air traffic.

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