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Make-A-Wish International Chooses Abu Dhabi for Global Summit

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The Emirati capital of Abu Dhabi will be the stage for Make-A-Wish International’s upcoming annual conference, the “Global Wish” summit. The event, scheduled for June 3rd and 4th of 2025, is a significant win for the city, solidifying its growing reputation as a hub for global humanitarian efforts.

The news was met with enthusiasm from Sheikha Sheikha bint Saif Al Nahyan, the honorary president of the Make-A-Wish Foundation UAE and wife of H. H. Sheikh Dr. Sultan bin Khalifa Al Nahyan. She highlighted Abu Dhabi’s dedication to humanitarian work, following the legacy of the late founding father, Sheikh Zayed bin Sultan Al Nahyan. She emphasized Abu Dhabi’s role as a beacon of tolerance and inclusivity, a place where people from diverse backgrounds and cultures coexist peacefully.

The summit is expected to be a platform to showcase the achievements of the Make-A-Wish Foundation UAE and Abu Dhabi’s position as a global center for compassion and understanding. This aligns perfectly with the Make-A-Wish International’s mission of ensuring every child has the opportunity to dream, hope, and experience the transformative power of a wish fulfilled.


The selection of Abu Dhabi for this global gathering underscores not only the city’s growing international profile but also its core values of generosity, tolerance, and humanity. These principles are deeply embedded in the Make-A-Wish Foundation’s mission, making Abu Dhabi a fitting host for the upcoming summit.

The announcement comes at a time when Abu Dhabi is actively seeking to strengthen its position as a global center for international organizations and conferences. The city boasts world-class infrastructure, a strategic location, and a government committed to fostering a progressive and welcoming environment.

The Make-A-Wish International summit is anticipated to attract hundreds of delegates from chapters around the world. The event will provide a platform to share best practices, discuss fundraising strategies, and celebrate the collective impact of the Make-A-Wish community in bringing hope and joy to critically ill children.

The decision to hold the summit in Abu Dhabi is a testament to the city’s growing stature on the world stage. It is a significant opportunity for Abu Dhabi to showcase its commitment to humanitarian causes and its dedication to building a more compassionate and inclusive world.

Read the full story on 1arabia.com