Popular Tactical Shooter Valorant Lands on Consoles with Beta Program

Popular free-to-play tactical shooter Valorant is expanding its battlefield beyond the realm of PC. During the Summer Game Fest 2024, developer Riot Games announced the game’s official arrival on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X/S consoles. To prepare for the full release later this year, a limited beta program kicked off on June 14th.

This news comes as a welcome surprise to console gamers who have been eagerly awaiting the chance to experience Valorant’s unique blend of strategic gunplay and character abilities. The game, known for its competitive 5v5 matches and diverse cast of agents, has garnered a massive player base on PC.

The console beta offers a glimpse into what players can expect when Valorant fully launches. Beta testers will have access to the core gameplay experience, including the various game modes, maps, and agent selection. This provides a valuable opportunity for Riot Games to gather feedback and ensure a smooth transition for the console audience.


While the beta is currently limited to select regions – including the United States, Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom, and Japan – a global rollout is planned for the full release. Players interested in participating in the beta can sign up on the official Valorant website. However, it’s important to note that the beta program is invite-only, so not everyone who registers will be guaranteed a spot.

The arrival of Valorant on consoles signifies a significant shift in the tactical shooter landscape. The genre, traditionally dominated by PC titles like Counter-Strike:Global Offensive, is now poised to welcome a new wave of players accustomed to controller gameplay. This opens up exciting possibilities for the competitive scene, potentially fostering cross-platform tournaments and further establishing Valorant as a major esports contender.

While the specific features and functionalities of the console version haven’t been fully revealed, Riot Games has assured players that the core Valorant experience will remain intact. The developer is committed to maintaining a balanced and competitive environment for both PC and console players. This likely includes adjustments to the user interface, aiming mechanics, and controller optimization to ensure a smooth and enjoyable experience for console users.

The launch of the Valorant beta program marks a significant step towards expanding the game’s reach and solidifying its position as a dominant force in the competitive shooter genre. With a dedicated console player base eagerly awaiting the full release, Valorant is poised to take controller warfare to a whole new level.


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