Result-Focused Digital Marketing Efforts For The Millennial Brands


Millennials are the generation that’s influencing almost everything today. From trends to which brands will be popular and which ones won’t be, etc. Millennials have so much influence in our everyday lives that we aren’t even aware of how significant impact they have. Our digital marketing agency Dubai concluded that if something isn’t “trendy”, it’s because this generation decided that way. That “untrendy” company can do whatever they can, and whatever is in their power, but they can’t change the fact that they’re unpopular among the most important group of young people today. If your brand isn’t trendy, they will not buy your products or use your services, and the decrease in your business will continue to go down. Is there anything that digital marketing can do to benefit companies that are trendy or out of trend? There are some ways to escalate trendy companies to the sky while the ones that aren’t trendy can keep on fighting their way through the heavy competition.

Which Result-Focused Efforts Can Digital Marketing Implement?

Result-focused efforts that digital marketing can implement into millennial brands are vast, mostly focusing on SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time Related) efforts. You can read the more detailed explanation by following this article


Since we need result-focused efforts, there are ways to bring them to surface, if you know how to do it. If you’re not sure how to handle digital marketing strategies, contact our digital marketing agency Dubai, and we’ll do what we do best to come up with the best digital marketing strategy for your company. Digital marketing has numerous methods to implement, and in this article, we’ll mention some of them. The most prominent result-focused ways are:

Conversion Rate Improvement

Improving your website’s conversion rate can be done by using Google Analytics. Google Analytics allows you to set a goal and track the progress. For example, you can set a goal to improve the organic traffic conversion rate by 30% by December 2019. When the goal is set, you will have reports on the conversion of your traffic landing page locations, campaigns, sources, keywords,etc.

Number Of Returned Visitors

The number of new visitors compared to the returned visitors can be calculated through Google Analytics software. This metric allows you to know the percentage difference between returned and new visitors, which gives you further insight on your website’s traffic. Knowing how many visitors have returned is essential since it allows you to know more about the effectiveness of your business as well to know more about customer loyalty. With Google Analytics, you can create a compelling and measurable objective that is relevant to your specific industry.

Sales Increase


Increasing sales is the highest priority objective of digital marketing today since it’s very easy to track and measure and most importantly, it improves revenues. By hiring a professional digital marketing agency Dubai, you’ll allow your company to stay competitive and to increase revenue more than you’ve ever imagined possible. Another critical factor is KPI (Key Performance Indicators) which enables you to benchmark your progress towards measurable achievement while you’ll track everything through a spreadsheet.

Reducing Bounce Rates

What is “bounce”? Bounce rate in analytics is defined as “when someone opens a page and closes it before going through the rest of the pages on your website.” All of this gives you an insight into the quality of your website since every business’ wish is that their visitors complete their visit with a purchase, download, or making contact. Everything below 50% bounce rate is good according to digital marketers, but that can differ from business to business.

Organic Traffic

Natural traffic from search engine results pages is also known as “organic traffic.” Organic traffic is free traffic, and it’s different from paid traffic. By implementing SEO to your online content, you’ll be able to achieve a higher ranking on search engine result pages. Therefore, increasing organic traffic is essential for all businesses. Building quality links and implementing keywords into your content will result in better quality content, which further leads to more organic traffic.

Millennial Brands

Any favorite or trendy brands today will have a lot of organic traffic, to begin with. Millennials decide who or what is popular, and the world follows – whether it’s clothing company, food chains, smartphone company, or any other industry. In the UAE, another sector is becoming very popular. The fashion industry in Dubai is on the rise, and to find more details about this topic, follow this link

Digital marketing agency Dubai can help any company to thrive by implementing digital marketing strategies into their business. If the specific industry is not popular among millennials, there’s a good chance that it can be changed for the better.

Also published on Medium.