How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost? Are They Worth It?

IT consultant presenting tag cloud about information technology. 3d illustration
IT expert concept, Person hand using computer with IT expert icon on virtual screen, Information Technology Advice or Services.

IT expert concept, Person hand using computer with IT expert icon on virtual screen, Information Technology Advice or Services.

In today’s fast-paced business environment, technology plays a pivotal role in the growth and efficiency of a company. However, managing IT infrastructure and systems can be a complex and resource-intensive task. This is where managed IT services come into play, offering American businesses a way to outsource their IT needs to specialists. In this article, we explore the costs associated with these services and assess their value, helping you decide if they are a worthwhile investment for your business.

What Are Managed IT Services 


If your business hasn’t considered getting managed IT services in Garland and your team doesn’t have any idea about what it is, this section aims to help. Read on.

What are managed IT services? They involve passing on IT operations and so on to an external company, who assumes responsibility for the IT systems, offering services such as network management, data backup, cybersecurity, technical support, and the like of a given company.

Taking advantage of managed IT services allows companies like yours to focus more on their core functions sans having to deal with day-to-day IT management tasks.

Nonetheless, keep in mind that managed IT services don’t generally come cheap. They oftentimes require a large upfront investment that many business owners would be wary of and you need to choose a reliable IT company. The following sections will cover the costs of managed IT services and the like. Continue reading.

How Much Do Managed IT Services Cost 


As mentioned earlier, managed IT services can be costly upfront. Figures depend on a company’s IT needs and the managed IT services company’s service package offerings. Usually, it’s said that managed IT services start at a few thousand dollars monthly. That figure can easily go up depending on the size of the company and other determining factors.

Check out below some of the main factors that can affect managed IT services costs for a specific company:

Service Scale 

The size and scope of the services required will significantly influence the cost. A small business with basic needs will pay considerably less than a large corporation requiring extensive management and advanced cybersecurity measures.

Support Level 

Different levels of support are available, from basic monitoring and maintenance to full IT management, including proactive improvements and consulting. More comprehensive services come with higher costs but can offer greater value in terms of reliability and risk management.

Specialization And Customization 

Services tailored to specific industry needs or integrated with existing in-house IT teams will also affect pricing. Personalized solutions may require additional resources and expertise, leading to higher price tags on the managed IT services package.

What Are The Different Pricing Models For Managed IT Services 

As what was mentioned earlier, managed IT services cost vastly different depending on a number of factors. One factor that plays a big role in the final price of a company’s managed IT service is the pricing model they wish to avail themselves of.

Pricing models are different pricing provided by managed IT service companies to their client to meet their IT needs and scalability. The most popular pricing options are the following:

Per-Device Pricing 

What’s the per-device pricing model? It charges a flat fee for each device under management, such as workstations, servers, and so on, and is straightforward to understand and budget for.

Per-User Pricing 

Per-user pricing is increasingly popular, especially with businesses using cloud services, where charges are based on the number of users instead of devices being utilized.

IT consultant presenting tag cloud about information technology. 3d illustration

IT consultant presenting tag cloud about information technology. 3d illustration

All-Inclusive Pricing 

Some managed IT service providers offer all-inclusive plans, which cover all managed services for a single, fixed monthly fee. This can simplify budgeting but may include services that aren’t much of a requirement for all businesses.

Are Managed IT Services Worth It 

When considering the cost of managed IT services, it’s essential to evaluate the potential return on investment (ROI) they bring to your business. Here are several perks that can justify the move of getting managed IT services:

Improved Efficiency 

Outsourcing IT management typically leads to more efficient operations, as managed IT service providers use specialized tools and processes that may be too costly or complex for internal IT teams.

Reduced Downtime 

With proactive monitoring and maintenance, managed IT services can help minimize system and operation downtime, which can be extremely costly in terms of lost productivity and revenue.

Enhanced Security 

Cybersecurity is a critical concern for all businesses, yours included. Managed IT services often include advanced security measures that protect against data breaches and cyber threats that target your company’s sensitive information along with client data.


As your business grows, its IT needs will change as well. Managed service providers can scale services up or down as required, allowing for flexibility and cost-efficiency that will significantly impact your company’s financial health.

To Conclude 

While the initial cost of managed IT services might seem high at first glance, the long-term benefits often outweigh these huge upfront expenses.

Managed IT services are able to provide the following to businesses, like yours, that make use of them: improved efficiency, reduced downtime, boosted security, and so on. Indeed, managed IT services can be a valuable investment for your company.

And if you want a specific figure of how much do managed IT services cost for your company, don’t hesitate to reach out to a certified managed IT service provider for a quick discovery call where your IT needs and expectations would be discussed.


Also published on Medium.