What’s new in the world of weed?

The world of weed is ever changing and rapidly evolving. With more than half of the American states legalising cannabis in some form, be it for medicinal purposes or for recreational purposes, it’s hard to keep up with all the new laws, products, and research that are coming out every day.

There is a lot of confusion about what you can do legally, and what you can’t do, with marijuana in different parts of America. The world of marijuana is changing rapidly and this is because of just how new the market still is. These changes are incredibly important for businesses and brands to know about when trying to establish themselves, so here are a few trends and changes that and cannabis brand might need to know.

A lot more products


Marijuana, for the longest time, was illegal all around the world with only a few places allowing for people to make use of it medicinally and practically nowhere allowing people to use it recreationally. Even making use of it medicinally, people needed to have some form of doctor’s letter or license to make use of it.

Now, since the legalization of both medicinal marijuana and recreational marijuana in places all other the world there are so many new products that have been developed. This also comes from all the new technology that the world has been developed, bringing together the world of tech and the world of marijuana. There are various different inhalation products, sold by many stores, like Smoke Cartel, such as vaporisers and dry herb vaporisers, bongs, and dab rigs, other ingestible such as edibles, and even tinctures. These days, there is bound to be something for everyone, whether you don’t want to smoke or just want to feel a different kind of high.

Indoor cultivation

The cannabis plant is exactly what it sound like; a plant. Typically plats or even who farms of plants are grown outside on big areas of land that just need to live off the earth to survive. New technology and research has developed a way to produce marijuana in a more efficient and productive manner by producing and growing the plants indoors. With indoor cultivation you can control practically every aspect of the plant from the soil, to the light, to the amount of water it receives, all of which is crucial to growing marijuana properly and successfully.

Not only this, but indoor cultivation also seems to produce product at a faster rate because of the fact that all of the components are very controlled. With indoor cultivation, it aid in people creating and working on specific strains that will be good for certain things too such as receiving a better or stronger high, or having a bit of pain relief, or even just having a better taste.


More legalization

As mentioned earlier, marijuana was illegal for an extremely long time with many people finding themselves imprisoned for the sale, possession, or use of any kind of marijuana. Slowly places around the world started to allow for the medicinally use of marijuana only for those who carried a card that allowed them to buy from a registered dispensary.

Finally in 2012, the USA saw its first two states, Washington and Colorado, legalising the recreational use of cannabis and any accessories that go along with it. In the 11 years since then, more and more states in the USA have begun to legalise recreational use of marijuana as well as various countries all over the world. Although there are still quite a few places that heavily frown upon it and it is still very illegal.

Banking reform

At this current point in time, there is a stigma around marijuana and how it affects the body and mind, and there is also the fact that marijuana isn’t completely legal worldwide. Because of this, it means there is no banking available to those companies which produce and sell marijuana. As the industry grows and becomes bigger and bigger it is believed that various countries will finally grant legal cannabis businesses access to baking and other financial services. By allowing cannabis businesses access to banking it opens up a while new world in the realm of cannabis and it will make a huge impact on the entire industry.